Thanks for dropping by. Hope you will like it. ☺
Blogging is something I have long thought about doing, but with a busy job it somehow kept being pushed further down on the list of things to do. Journalism is how I make my living and I was afraid that taking on more writing would mean too much time bent over the keyboard. However, as an editor of a magazine that deals mainly with serious stuff, I found that I needed this little space of my own to rediscover the joy of writing what I want about things I like. No deadlines, no difficult interviewees, no yawn-inducing topics. Ah, bliss!
So welcome again - to our house on the hill, situated in Western Norway, overlooking a small fjord. Within these walls Hubby and Husfruen (Norwegian for "lady of the house") reside in loving harmony. (As long as Hubby takes more or less enthusiastic part in Husfruen’s many redecorating projects, and as long as Husfruen doesn’t pester Hubby too much about tedious business like cleaning and such.)
Hilltop House, which has been our home for a year, is not exactly a fixer upper but there seems to be no end to the things we need to do to get it into the shape we (that is Husfruen) want. If you like, you can follow our efforts here and share in Husfruen’s little musings about the pleasures of life as a homeowner.

Nice one! I look forward to further episodes from this saga!