Sunday, 31 October 2010

A walk along the fjord

After a week of rain and sleet, it was so good to wake up to a Sunday that didn't put its name to shame. Although there was much that should have been done indoors, the sun lured us out.

It was almost springlike outside. 

Most of the leaves have fallen now, so it's not much colour to be seen anymore, but some trees still cling to  their leaves.

Some flowers refuse to face the fact that winter is here. 

The season for pleasure boats is well and truly over this year, so someone should probably hurry up and get their boats up on dry land before the fjord freezes over. 

As usual the horses were eager to see us. 

But when they realized we didn't have any apples or carrots for them and all we could offer was a scratch behind the ears, they quickly went back to grazing. 

Rolling in the mud is probably very fun, but it doesn't do much for your coat. 

Local squirrels should have few problems getting through the winter. 

Have a nice Sunday!

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